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ERICKA JONES-CRAVEN (b.1995) is an Atlanta based photographer and visual content creator whose work often surfaces themes of identity, black culture and religion. A self-proclaimed conceptual artist, Jones-Craven uses photo, video and film to create compelling visuals that blur the line between art photography and photojournalism. Jones-Craven's art is stylized by odd perspectives and wild color. 

Jones-Craven has a BFA in Art Photography and a BA in Religion from Syracuse University and an MA in Arts Politics at NYU. Her most recent exhibition titled "Up for Air" is a multimedia installation that surfaces the experience of queer, black youth in religious spaces through sound, imagery, film and research.

Ericka has served as an art writer and reviewer for the Performa Biennial, head studio assistant for MILK Studios in NYC and many other positions in the artistic community. Currently, Ericka serves as the Gallery Director of The Scene Art Gallery located in Alpharetta, GA. Managing over 50 local artists, she also spends her time creating work and working in spaces that bring communities together through the practice of arts activism and care activism.

Ericka continues to grow her career as an art director, photographer and writer while managing and developing her self-owned business.

